Author: ameyadhumal28

All About Digital Marketing!


Digital Deepak Internship Program- The effective AXE!

I remember one story from my childhood. It goes like this: “Once upon a time, a woodcutter asked for a job at a timber merchant. His boss takes an interview and offer him a job with good pay. The woodcutter agrees to join him and from the very next day, he started working there. On…
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Hostinger Review

All you need to know about Hostinger (Review Article)

Digital Marketing has become inevitable for promoting businesses. For aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses, it has to be a mainstream platform to market and promote their products and services. A sound strategy is important for any successful marketing campaign and the mediums to execute those strategies are also equally important. In digital marketing, various tools…
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Digital Marketing Concept

12 Things to keep in mind while choosing a Digital Marketing Program!

There are infinite options available today when it comes to choosing a career and it can become a nightmare for some, and select the appropriate institute to learn those essential career skills can become even more troublesome. Digital Marketing (DM) has emerged as the hottest career option. The possibilities in DM are abundant and choices…
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Marketing Ruling the World

Will Marketing Ever Rule the World?

Will Marketing Ever Rule the World? I genuinely believe this era is an era of Marketing. Not agree with me? Please read through this article to understand the perspective of an aspiring digital marketer. Back in the 1990s, I still remember those days, when I used to go shopping for new clothes with my family;…
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Social Networking

Social Networking vs Virtual Networking?

It has been more than a decade since we witnessed the emergence of the first social media network Orkut. Many people would not even know that such a thing existed 5 years before. We have witnessed the rise and downfall of Orkut that too in such a little time. However, when Facebook arrived on the…
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